2022-03-24 Unity官方发布了一款完整产品生命周期的示例游戏《Gigaya》。
2022-06-23 Unity官方在B站上重点介绍了Unity技术运用重点,首次透露解谜冒险游戏中的玩法。
2022-07-14 Unity官方人员在Unity论坛中发布一则消息,消息称“gigaya项目将停止维护”。
这则消息一发布,在Unity论坛中 一下子就炸开了锅,因为它还没有完成,并且一些系统还存在问题,官方又没有计划完成它。这让Unity开发者不得不怀疑是否因为技术问题导致项目无法完成。另外一名 Unity的开发者网友声称 “gigaya的取消绝对会导致行业内的一次重大的信任危机,即Unity官方自己都没有自信用自己的引擎开发出一款高品质的游戏。”
Hello everyone,
We would like to share an update about the Gigaya project with you.
As part of recent structural changes, we decided to stop the production of Gigaya. Gigaya will remain as an internal resource at Unity but there are currently no active plans to publish it.
It served its purpose as a source of product feedback during its active development and will continue to provide value as an internal resource. Any further learnings would have been minimal during the additional required time to get it to the finish line and would have been disproportionate to the necessary investment.
Gigaya was conceptualized as an internal production to generate first-hand product feedback, as well as a learning resource for our users. To release it as a sample project would have required a thorough cleanup and optimizations in its current stage.
We appreciate that this would have been helpful to some of you, but considering the remaining development effort against putting more focus on the evolution and improvement of the tools we are shipping to you, it did not seem like a well-justified way to spend our R&D resources. In the end, Gigaya replicated the struggles of game production (albeit at a small scale), which made it valuable for internal validation while also making it labor intensive and costly to be turned into a clean and organized example of best practices
Please feel free to ask any related questions in this thread and we will do our best to answer them where we can.
来源:Unity forum
以上消息是否可以说明 gigaya项目团队解散,裁员的消息属实?好像是如此哦。
早在此前6.30日 Unity官方公布一则公告 称裁员占比4%,人数高达200人,缘由是公司内部管理不善。